Order Boletales
[boletes and relatives]
This is a large order with 15 or more families, 90 or more genera, and about 1400 species. Five suborders are shown in brackets. Representative (but not all) genera are listed below.
- Boletaceae [Boletineae] (Boletus, Bothia, Chamonixia, Chalciporus, Leccinum, Phylloporus, Strobilomyces, Tylopilus, Xanthoconium, Xerocomellus)
- Boletinellaceae [Sclerodermatineae] (Boletinellus, Phlebopus)
- Coniophoraceae [Coniophorineae] (Coniophora)
- Diplocystaceae or Diplocystidiaceae (Astraeus, Diplocystis)
- Gasterellaceae (Gasterella)
- Gomphidiaceae [Suillineae] (Chroogomphus, Cystogomphus, Gomphidius, Gomphogaster)
- Gyroporaceae [Sclerodermatineae] (Gyroporus)
- Hygrophoropsidaceae (Hygrophoropsis, Leucogyrophana)
- Paxillaceae [Boletineae] (Alpova, Gyrodon, Meiorganum, Melanogaster, Paragyrodon, Paxillus)
- Protogastraceae (Protogaster)
- Rhizopogonaceae [Suillineae] (Rhizopogon, Rhopalogaster)
- Sclerodermataceae [Sclerodermatineae] (Calostoma, Pisolithus, Scleroderma)
- Serpulaceae (Serpula)
- Suillaceae [Suillineae] (Suillus, Truncocolumella)
- Tapinellaceae [Tapinellineae] (Pseudomerulius, Tapinella)
Uncertain placement:
- Hydnomerulius
- Marthanella
- Phaeoradulum
Taxon Details and Links
- Nomenclature
- Boletales , Les Livres du Mycologue Tome I-IV, Tom. III: Les Bolets: 83 (1931). Type: Boletus L. 1753.
- Taxonomy
- The Boletaceae (>250 spp.) is experiencing a rapid proliferation of genus names as clades are split into smaller and smaller groups of species. This seems to be driven in part by the rejection of lumping favored genera, such as Leccinum, Strobilomyces, and Tylopilus, back into a larger (old) concept for Boletus. Contrast this with the large and diverse genera Amanita (>200 spp.) and Cortinarius (>400 spp.) where splitting has been resisted.
- Online resources have not kept up with some rearrangements of genera and families. Sclerogastraceae (Sclerogaster) has been shown to belong in the Geastrales (Hosaka et al. 2006), though Index Fungorum and Mycobank still place the group in the Boletales (as of 2016). The Gastrosporiaceae (Gastrosporium) is now in Phallales.
- Description links
- Tree of Life (2008)
- Wikipedia
- Related links
- Binder, M. and D. S. Hibbett. 2006. Molecular systematics and biological diversification of Boletales. Mycologia, 98(6): 971–981. DOI: 10.1080/15572536.2006.11832626 [PDF at Hibbett Lab Publications]
- Hibbett, D. S., R. Bauer, M. Binder, A.J. Giachini, K. Hosaka, A. Justo, E. Larsson, K.H. Larsson, J.D. Lawrey, O. Miettinen, L. Nagy, R.H. Nilsson, M. Weiss, and R.G. Thorn. 2014. Agaricomycetes. Pp. 373–429 In: Systematics and Evolution, Second Edition, The Mycota VII Part A. (D. J. McLaughlin and J. W. Spatafora, Eds.), Springer Verlag. [Chapter 14 and complete volume PDF at Hibbett Lab Publications.]
- Nuhn, M. E., M. Binder, A. F. S. Taylor, R. E. Halling, D. S. Hibbett. 2013. Phylogenetic overview of the Boletineae. Fungal Biology 117: 479-511. DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2013.04.008
- Taxon links
- 90529 Boletales
- MycoBank
- Index Fungorum