
Trametopsis cervina
[Trametes cervina, Funalia cervina]
- Name
- Tramète couleur de cerf (deer-colored trametes).
- Etymology
- Epithet = deer, fawn-colored. Genus = resembling Trametes (one who is thin).
- Fruitbody
- Annual, effused-reflexed to pileate (sessile), sometimes effused; up to 5 × 21 × 1.5 cm; texture tough corky. Can be in imbricate (overlapping) clusters. Upperside hairy (hirsute to strigose), somewhat zoned or not, color yellowish brown to grayish brown
pinkish buff to cinnamon-buff or clay color
). Margin often paler. Pores irregular, somewhat maze-like, up to 1 mm across, 10 mm in depth; same color as context (flesh), buff, may turn dark brown with age; pore walls can become thin and split. Context pale buff, not zoned, up to 1 cm thick. Microscopic characters: dimitic; generative hyphae thin-walled, with clamps; skeletal hyphae thick-walled. Cystidia and other hymenium elements absent. Spores cylindrical, slightly curved (suballantoid), smooth, hyaline, non-amyloid, 7–9 × 2.5–3 µm. Spore print whitish. - Recognized by its pale yellowish brown brackets and large irregular pores that can split. Also its dimitic hyphal system (in trama) and cylindrical spores.
- Similar species
- This species is similar to a Trametes but seems more flexible. Trametes hirsuta and Cerrena unicolor have more densely hairy caps. Trametella gallica and Trametella trogii have coarsely hairy (strigose) caps. Spongipellis species have a monomitic hyphal system (generative hyphae thin or thick-walled with clamps) and subglobose spores (can be thick-walled). Also compare to Antrodia species, which have generally smaller brackets.
- Ecology
- White rot saprobe on dead hardwoods of many genera, rarely on conifers (Larix, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Tsuga).
- Phenology
- Annual but brackets can overwinter.
- Biogeography
- Throughout eastern North America. Fewer reports in the west. Rare in Europe, known from Morocco and across Asia (though this may be more than one species).
- Chicago Region status
- Uncommon. There are several Harper collections (1900–1903) at BPI, UC. Leacock did not recognize it here until 2016 and again in 2018 but has since found unidentified and misidentified local collections from previous years.
- Specimens examined
- P. R. Leacock 13400, DuPage County, 2016, and PRL 13618, McHenry County, 2018. There are photos on Mushroom Observer. Further work in herbarium found more McHenry County collections from 2012 to 2015. Observations on iNaturalist have added Boone and Kane Counties, IL.
Taxon Details and Links
- Nomenclature
- Trametopsis cervina Czech Mycology 60 (1): 8 (2008) ,
- ≡ Basionym: Boletus cervinus Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig 1: 96 (1822) ,
- ≡ Sanctioned: Polyporus cervinus Elenchus Fungorum 1: 92 (1828) ,
- ≡ Trametes cervina Annales Mycologici 1 (1): 81 (1903) ,
- ≡ Funalia cervina Fungal Science 11: 91 (1996) ,
- = Antrodia pseudosinuosa Mycologist 11(4): 152 (1997) ,
- Type
- North Carolina, USA.
- Taxonomy
- This species was also transferred to Antrodia, Coriolellus, Coriolus, Davidia, Diplomitoporus, Microporus, and Polystictus.
- Description links
- Texas Mushrooms (photos).
- Project Noah (Georgia).
- Les champignons du Québec.
- Related links
- Gilbertson, R. L., L. Ryvarden. 1987. North American Polypores. Volume 2: Megasporoporia - Wrightoporia. Fungiflora, Oslo, Norway. 452 pp.
- Gómez-Montoya, N., E. R. Drechsler-Santos, V. Ferreira Lopes, M. Tomšovský, C. Urcelay, G. L. Robledo. 2017. New insights on Trametopsis Tomšovský (Polyporales Gäum) based on phylogenetic evidences and morphological analyses of neotropical species. Phytotaxa. 311(2): 155-167. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.311.2.3
- Henrici, A., A. M. Ainsworth, K. Liimatainen. 2018. Antrodia pseudosinuosa is Trametopsis cervina. Field Mycology 19(4): 116-118. DOI: 10.1016/j.fldmyc.2018.10.005
- Tomšovský, M. 2008. Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic position of Trametes cervina and description of the new genus Trametopsis. Czech Mycology 60(1): 1-11. [PDF available at Czech Mycology 2008]
- Wikipedia
- Records online
- iNaturalist
- Mushroom Observer
- MyCoPortal
- Taxon links
- 511830 Trametopsis cervina
- MycoBank
- Index Fungorum and Species Fungorum