These are the species treated here and found in the Upper Midwest.
They of course occur elsewhere as well.
This list has additional species described for the southern USA.
This list has older names that were used (mainly those for Chicago Region, such as by
Moffatt 1909), with their recent and current status. Stereum was a segregate
genus from Thelephora and then itself split into other genera (to other families and orders).
Taxon Details and Links
Hill ex Pers.,
Neues Magazin für die Botanik 1: 110 (1794).
- Thelephora hirsuta Willd., Florae Berolinensis
Prodromus: 397 (1787).
I continue to research the literature on Stereum hoping to discern the
correct names to apply to the kinds we find in the Upper Midwest. There is a loose
consensus among American authors on concepts for a set of names but some treatments
of the genus are in disagreement, notably the recent book by Ryvarden (2010).
Ryvarden uses S. atrorubrum (a poorly known taxon from British Columbia that
should be sequenced) instead of S. subtomentosum; he includes
S. ochraceoflavum but does not mention S. complicatum. In some aspects
the synonymy of Ryvarden (2010) agrees with parts of Burt (1920).
The majority of our Stereum were described two centuries ago from 1787 to
Then Stereum insignitum was published by Quélet (1890) from Europe. Later,
Pouzar (1964) split the circumglobal Stereum subtomentosum from the American
Stereum fasciatum.
Other authors lumped multiple species under the name Stereum ostrea from
1950's to 1980's.
Ryvarden (2010) instead used the name Stereum versicolor (Sw.) Fr. 1838
[basionym: Helvella versicolor Sw. 1788] as it predates his synonyms of S.
ostrea, S. fasciatum, S. lobatum, and S. australe.
Other names were synonymized in the S. hirsutum group.
When taxa are combined then the morphological concept becomes more variable.
Demoulin (1985) was one of the authors that began the reverse process of arguing for
the separation of taxa based on morphology and distribution. This work continues
today with the addition of molecular tools. In the Upper Midwest these segregate
species include S. fasciatum, Stereum lobatum, and S.
Stereum spectabile Klotzsch (1843), of Asia, was moved to Xylobolus spectabilis by Boidin (1958). But now DNA phylogenies show it part of the Stereum clade.
Description links
- Pacific Northwest Key Council:
Key to STEREUM in the Pacific
- Sarah DeLong-Duhon, University of Iowa, on iNaturalist: Stereum research; Stereum
Related links
- Burt, E.A. 1920. The Thelephoraceae of North America. XII. Stereum.
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 7: 81-249.
[Get PDF (paginated) or read online at
Alternate paginated version online at]
- Delong-Duhon, Sarah G., and Robin K. Bagley. 2020 preprint.
Phylogeny, morphology, and ecology resurrect previously synonymized species of North
American Stereum.
bioRxiv preprint; Posted October 16, 2020.
- Demoulin, V. 1985. Stereum fasciatum (Schw.) Fr. and S. lobatum
(Kunze:Fr.) Fr.: Two Distinct Species. Mycotaxon 23: 207-217.
[Download Mycotaxon pages on
: 23 p.207.]
- Moffatt, W. S. 1909. The Higher Fungi of the Chicago Region: Part I, The
Natural History Survey, Bulletin No. VII, Part I. Chicago Academy of Sciences. 156
pp., 24 plates.
DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.3605
[Read Part 1 online at Biodiversity Library;
Stereum begins on page 134.]
- Pouzar, Z. 1964.
Stereum subtomentosum sp. nov. and its taxonomic relations.
Česká Mykologie 18(3): 147-156.
[In Czech with English Abstract and Summary.
PDF of Issue
- Ryvarden, Leif. 2010. Stereoid fungi of America. Synopsis Fungorum 28.
[sold by]
- Ryvarden L. 2020.
The genus Stereum - a synopsis.
Synopsis Fungorum 40 : 46-96 [Not seen by me. Not yet in print?]
- Find other Stereum papers by Kotlaba, Pouzar:
search Czech
Taxon links for 18596 Stereum