Hypoxylon rubiginosum

Hypoxylon rubiginosum (Pers.) Fr.

[a rust-colored stroma]

Epithet = rusty red color. Genus = beneath wood.
It looks like streaks of rust colored paint then becomes thicker as the stroma develops and perithecial bumps appear. Stroma flat to bumpy with perithecia obscure or conspicuous. Surface rusty to dark brick colored, possibly more yellow-brown at times; inner stroma dark brown. If stroma margin extends beyond the perithecia it may be more brightly colored. KOH-extractable pigments are orange to rust colored. The conidial state is reddish-gray to brown, powdery, below the bark, and precedes the appearance of the perithecial stroma.
Similar species
Hypoxylon fragiforme is reddish but appears as separate round balls. For other similar species see the literature and links below.
Typically on decorticated wood (without bark). A mild pathogen on most hosts associated with decay of timber. Found on hardwood trunks and branches of many species including maple, ash, elm, basswood, willow. Spread by both conidia and ascospores.
Persistent stroma can be found year round.
Widespread in northern temperate areas, Europe, North America.
Chicago Region status
Specimens examined
Twelve historic collections, 1902 - 1909 (Harper), 1941 (Graham) and seventeen recent specimens, 1996 - 2019 (Leacock, Gaswick, et al.). Drew Minnis made the first recent identification in 2008 at a Smith Foray at Indiana Dunes. Then in 2019, Leacock examined recent unknown red crusts and identified sixteen more research collections.

Taxon Details and Links

  • Hypoxylon rubiginosum (Pers.) Fr., Summa vegetabilium Scandinaviae 2: 384 (1849)
  • ≡ Basionym: ≡Sphaeria rubiginosa Pers., Synopsis methodica fungorum: 11 (1801)
  • ≡ Sanctioned: ≡Sphaeria rubiginosa Pers. : Fr., Systema Mycologicum Fungorum 2:340 (1823)
  • Stromatosphaeria rubiginosa (Pers.) Grev., Flora Edinensis: pl. 110 (1824)
  • Euhypoxylon rubiginosum (Pers.) Füisting, Botanische Zeitung 25 (39): 305, 309 (1867)
Lectotype and Epitype. See Index Fungorum.
The appearance is variable and the species has many named varieties and forms. The tropical forms have been split into separate species.
Pyrenomycetes from southwestern France
Anderson, R. 2008. Hypoxylon in Britain and Ireland 2. Hypoxylon rubiginosum and its allies. Field Mycology 9(2): 41-48. DOI: 10.1016/S1468-1641(10)60405-7.
Hawksworth, D.L. 1972. Hypoxylon rubiginosum. CMI Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. 357. on MycoBank
Stadler, M., H. Wollweber, J. Fournier. 2004. A host-specific species of Hypoxylon from France, and notes on the chemotaxonomy of the Hypoxylon rubiginosum complex. Mycotaxon 90(1): 187-211.
Mushroom Observer
Index Fungorum and Species Fungorum

Compare Index Fungorum and Mycobank.

Cite this page as: Leacock, P.R. (2019 Sep 5). Hypoxylon rubiginosum - MycoGuide. Retrieved from https://www.mycoguide.com/guide/fungi/asco/sord/xyla/hypo/hypo/rubi

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